Reading is Magic|加拿大驻广州总领事馆副领事亲临阅读周现场
.A professional, high-quality international school for students of all ages! |CIS是一所专业、高品质的全年龄段国际学校。·
On November 28th, CIS had the honor of welcoming Mr. Jon Barrett, Deputy Consul and Trade Commissioner at the Consulate General of Canada in Guangzhou, for a special visit. He joined students in immersing themselves in the world of CIS Book Week, exploring the joys of reading and the power of words together. This cross-cultural exchange not only enriched the depth of Reading Week but also brought warmth and vitality to the campus atmosphere. Take a look back at the precious moments from the day and relive this unforgettable exchange! 11月28日,CIS非常荣幸地迎来了加拿大驻广州总领事馆副领事兼商务专业--吴俊才先生Jon Barrett的特别到访。他与学生们一同沉浸在CIS阅读周的世界中,共同探索阅读的乐趣,感受文字的力量。这场跨文化的交流不仅增添了阅读周的深度,也让校园氛围更加温暖与充实。 快来回顾当天的珍贵瞬间,见证这次难忘的交流时刻吧! Academic Director Rose-Anne (left) warmly welcomed Mr. Jon Barrett (center) during his visit to CIS. 学术总监Rose-Anne(左)热情迎接吴俊才先生(中) 到访CIS
The ES Principal, Lynne (right), introduces the CIS campus to Vice Consul Jack Chen (left). 小学校长Lynne(右)向吴俊才先生(左) 介绍CIS校园
Group Phot 大合照 On the day of the event, Mr. Jon Barrett recommended and read three books to the children: 当天吴俊才先生为孩子们推荐并阅读了三本书籍: The Sorry Life of Timothy Shmoe A Whale's World My Day with Gong Gong More Highlights from CIS Book Week 阅读周的更多精彩瞬间
Special Theme for Bool Week: Pajama Day 阅读周特别主题:睡衣日
CIS BookWeek
Parents in Class for Reading Time 家长进班为孩子阅读
Scavenger Hunt: Find the Book Characters 寻宝游戏:找到书中人物
Book Fair 校内书展
CIS BookWeek
Welcome more families to join our CIS community. Call us or scan the QR code to schedule a visit. 欢迎更多家庭加入CIS CIS