Investment&Asset Pricing(投资与资产定价):主要学习资产定价中风险和回报的基本原则;现代投资组合理论;从市场指数、投资策略和风格、市场效率和行为金融学进行事件分析。
Options&Other Derivatives(期权与其他衍生工具):主要学习规避特殊种类的风险或者改变投资组合收益的分配的工具;衍生产品市场的监管方向。
Fixed Income Analysis(固定收益分析):主要学习套利;贴现函数;利率风险的特点和衡量手段;固定收益投资组合的利率风险标准度量;期限结构的因子模型。
Risk Management(风险管理):主要学习降低风险的金融工具及其各自的利弊;使用和运用金融衍生工具来降低利率和货币风险;套期保值者、投机者和套利者之间的差异,场外交易方式和公共金融工具之间的差异;定价和估值远期、期货和掉期的使用;金融期权和组合策略的运用。
Portfolio Management(投资组合管理):主要学习投资政策说明书的发展;形成资本市场回报的预期;定义战略战术资产配置;执行投资组合决定;监测和投资组合再平衡;衡量绩效、归因和评估。
中国社科院与美国杜兰大学金融管理硕士MFIN 外方师资
Paul Spindt(Professor)
Senior Associate Dean A.B. Freeman School of Business
EDUCATION:●University of California at Santa Barbara, Ph.D. in Economics ●University of California at Santa Barbara, M.A. in Economics ●California State University at San Jose. B.A. in Liberal Studies
William Reese(Professor of Practice)
EDUCATION:●B.A. The College of Wooster 1978 ●M.B.A. Virginia Tech 1983 ●Ph.D. The University of Arizona 1998
Helmuth Chavez(Professor)
EDUCATION:●Tulane University, Ph.D. in Finance ●Tulane University, Master in Management ●UFM-Guatemala, Master in Management ●IEB-Spain, Master in Capital Markets and Asset Management ●MBA. PUC-Chile ●ITESM-Mexico, B.S. Biochemistry Engineering
Eduardo PABlo(Professor)
EDUCATION:●Tulane University, Ph.D. in Finance ●Tulane University,Master of Arts in Economics
Peggy Huang(Assistant Professor)
EDUCATION:●B.S., Economics(Finance and Management), The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA-2004 ●M.A., Economics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA-2007 ●Ph.D., Finance, Indiana University, Kelley School of Business, Bloomington, IN-2011
Fritz Koger( Associate Teaching Professor )
EDUCATION:●Ph.D. in Finance, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, USA 2009 ●Visiting Ph.D. Student, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 2005 ●MBA with finance concentration, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA 2003 ●B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 1983
Advanced Energy Trading(高级能源交易):本课程旨在帮助所有希望从事能源证券交易的学生培养其在能源机构开展交易活动所需的技能。
Energy Accounting and Valuation(能源会计与能源金融):本课程将介绍各类油气活动的基础知识,包括勘探和生产、精炼、相关市场活动及产业相关的重要财务决策和标准。课程将追踪各种运营步赚及重要财务决策,以评估其对公共综合公司外部财务报表的最终影响。Energy Investment Banking(能源投资银行学):投资银行学是一门向学生介绍如何实施能源投资银行业现有概念和实践的课程。本课程以以往金融课程中介绍的基础金融课题为基础,主要侧重于资本(长期债务和股权)结构。课程目标是帮助学生培养投资银行家的思辨和履职能力,同时为能源公司制定最优资本结构。
Energy Modeling(能源建模):本课程将向学生介绍能源量化基础知识及能源公司分析计算机建模工具。整体目标是帮助学生学习能源公司及其估值相关的基本知识,掌握量化模型构建方法,及培养开发Excel模型及决策支持工具等技能。
Energy Risk Management(能源风险管理):本课程主要从能源公司(生产商或重要能源用户)的角度介绍企业风险管理的重要内容。本课程的目标是培养学生以下分析能力:公司如何评估其业务风险;如何利用能源衍生品来转化或降低风险,进而提高收益稳定性。
Energy Fundamental&Trading( 能源概况及交易):本课程将介绍能源生产、运输、精炼及相关市场和交易活动的基础知识,其中将涵盖能源金融市场结构、风险管理实践及投资组合建模等内容。
中国社科院与美国杜兰大学能源管理硕士MME 外方师资
John Foreman(Oil and Gas Marketing Manager of PetroQuest Energy Inc.)
EDUCATION:Mr. Foreman earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Louisiana State University and a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in finance from the Flores MBA Program at Louisiana State University. He currently serves as President of the American Petroleum Institute Acadiana Chapter.
Parker Drew(Adjunct Professor)
EDUCATION:●1995-1998 NYU Stern School of Business, MBA Finance ●1987-1991 Brown University, AB Economics and History ●1985-1987 Brooks School, Cum Laude with honors in Physics, Latin, and History
Lester Alexander(Guest Lecturer)
EDUCATION: ●Tulane University (Mechanical Engineering and MBA) ●Kenneth Carroll
EDUCATION:●A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University, M.B.A in Finance ●Louisiana State University, B.A.
Zeigham Khokher(Assistant Professor)
Education & Affiliations:●University of Texas at Austin, Ph.D. in Finance, M.S. in Mathematical Statistics, B.A. in Mathematics, and B.B.A. in Finance.