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Asphalt plant filter wholesaler.12 month free spare parts replacements.Reliable








发表于 2023-10-17 09:46:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Zhejiang Grace Envirotech Co. ltd (https://www.dustfilter-bag.com/s ... iltration-bags.html).Our commitments is to enhance and optimize the performance of dust filters for particulate air pollution control.12 month free spare parts replacements.Contact number: 86-571-86058862-8008.
There are various reasons for the blockage of high-temperature dust removal bags in boilers, and the following are some possible reasons:
Dust accumulation: In high-temperature flue gas, dust will accumulate on the surface of the dust removal bag, and over time, the dust layer will gradually thicken, leading to blockage of the bag. This is usually caused by high dust concentration or untimely bag cleaning.
Dust adhesion: Some dust may have stickiness and may cause adhesion on the surface of the cloth bag, leading to blockage. This situation usually occurs in smoke containing certain humidity or viscous components.
Blocking of fine pores: Dust removal bags usually have small fine pore structures used to capture dust particles. When there are too many or large dust particles, these fine pores may be blocked, leading to the blockage of the cloth bag.
Temperature change: During boiler operation, there will be significant changes in flue gas temperature. If the fABric bag material cannot withstand high temperatures or rapid temperature changes, it may cause deformation, cracking, or burning of the fabric bag, leading to blockage.
Cloth bag wear: Long term high temperature and dust impact may cause cloth bag wear, resulting in holes or openings, thereby reducing filtration efficiency and increasing the risk of blockage.


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