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Grace Envirotech Co.Quality dust collector filter bags manufacturer.Trustworthy








发表于 2023-9-19 09:54:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Zhejiang Grace Envirotech Co. ltd (https://www.dustfilter-bag.com/s ... ust-collection.html),with the famouse brand "ECOGRACE".Our commitments is to enhance and optimize the performance of dust filters for particulate air pollution control. We strive constantly to improve our products.Contact number: 86-571-86058862-8008.
Reasons for damage to dust removal filter bags
1. The high filtration wind speed of the bag filter is the main reason for the damage of the dust removal filter bag. In recent years, some units have blindly reduced equipment costs and increased profits. When designing bag filters, they have increased the filtration wind speed, and there has been no obvious response from users in a short period of time. However, the service life of the filter bags has been greatly shortened. This not only does not save customers money, but also brings a significant economic burden and wastes time.
2. Operating temperature
The correct selection of dust removal bags that are suitable for the corresponding dust temperature is the key to filter bags. If the temperature is too high, the selected dust removal filter bag will exceed the normal operating temperature, shorten the service life of the filter bag, and in severe cases, it will burn out in a short period of time. Therefore, when selecting filter bags, it is necessary to measure and calculate the inlet temperature of the dust collector, and then select the corresponding dust removal cloth bag.
3. Product quality
The processing of cloth bags is particularly important. In recent years, some small manufacturers have used small sewing machines as processing equipment, and use inferior thread as raw materials during processing, using fake threads as genuine ones, and the processing level is far behind. Causes the dust removal bag to experience thread opening, cracking, and bottom dropping after a short period of use. Although the size of the cloth bag is slightly smaller, it can still be used, but after adsorbing dust with a higher specific gravity, the bag may fall out after a period of use.


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