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Grace Envirotech Co.China dust collector filter bags manufacturer.perfect.








发表于 2023-9-18 09:49:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Zhejiang Grace Envirotech Co. ltd (https://www.dustfilter-bag.com/s ... l-filter-cloth.html),with the famouse brand "ECOGRACE".Our commitments is to enhance and optimize the performance of dust filters for particulate air pollution control. We strive constantly to improve our products.Contact number: 86-571-86058862-8008.
Usually, dust collectors may experience clogging of the ash hopper, and the following methods can be used:
1.The phenomenon of ash stacking in ash hoppers often occurs because the moisture content of the dust is too high. When the moisture content of the dust is too high, it causes bonding and is not easy to fall off, resulting in bridging inside the ash hopper. Troubleshooting method: The dust collector can be fully insulated, and a silo wall vibrator is added at the ash hopper.
2. The reason for ash accumulation may be that the conveyor is not running simultaneously with the main fan, and the main fan does not timely transport the dust when the working conveyor is not working, which can cause serious ash accumulation. Troubleshooting: Before the main fan starts, the conveyor and unloading equipment should run 10-15 minutes earlier. After the main fan stops, the conveyor and unloading equipment should continue to run for 30-45 minutes. There should be no dust accumulation in the ash hopper. Stop the conveyor and unloading equipment so that there will be no ash accumulation during the next dust collector operation.
3. The ash unloader is not suitable for dust discharge with high water prices. The structure of the scraper blades of the ash unloader is V-shaped, which creates bonding between the V-shaped blades. When it arrives, the V-shaped blades become spherical, and the blades have no scraping ability, resulting in the inability to unload the ash. The conveyor will hang, the reduction motor will burn, and the ash hopper will pile up ash. Elimination method: The ash unloader should be removed and replaced with a pneumatic double layer flap ash unloader.


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