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Grace Envirotech Co.quality dust collector filter bags manufacturer.








发表于 2023-9-8 11:58:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Zhejiang Grace Envirotech Co. ltd (https://www.dustfilter-bag.com/s ... id-filter-bags.html),with the famouse brand "ECOGRACE".Our commitments is to enhance and optimize the performance of dust filters for particulate air pollution control. We strive constantly to improve our products.Contact number: 86-571-86058862-8008.
Reasons for the detachment of the filter bag in the bag dust collector.
China Reasons for the detachment of the filter bag in the bag dust collector
1. Uneven airflow distribution
The uneven distribution of airflow causes the high-speed erosion of dust containing flue gas in the local area of the filter bag, resulting in local wear and reduced lifespan of the filter bag.
Preventive measures: Improve the uniformity of airflow distribution in the equipment. Each project should conduct computer numerical simulation or physical simulation tests to verify the rationality of air intake, chamber separation, arrangement, and other aspects of airflow distribution.
2. The filtration speed of smoke and dust is too high
Excessive smoke and dust filtration speed can cause frequent dust removal, and the fabric fibers, especially glass fibers, of the filter bag are prone to damage.
Preventive measures: Choose an appropriate smoke and dust filtration speed and try to avoid high filtration wind speed. Based on domestic and foreign operating experience, the filtering wind speed of bag type dust collectors using PPS or PTFE and other composite fabrics is generally ≤ 1.0m/min, while electric dust collectors and bag type dust collectors can choose 1.2-1.3m/min. For bag type dust collectors with high dust concentration, viscosity, and high humidity, it is advisable to choose 0.8-1.0m/min.
3. The filter bag spacing is too small
When the spacing between filter bags is too small, wear on the outer side of the lower part of the filter bag is a common phenomenon. The wear is mostly on one side, with the lower part being the most severe. Gradually reducing the wear upwards, local sewing threads may be worn off.
Preventive measures:
(1) Ensure that the flatness of the flower board is within a reasonable range;
(2) Choose appropriate hole spacing and cage bones with automatic centering function to avoid collision and friction between adjacent filter bags at the bottom.


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